Now, when you know what should be your next profession you need to arrange yourself to suit to the position. When you’re a developer and under pressure to be a designer -- look how designers work. What in your and others’ estimation they do good and where they are failures. You have a reassure to be a beneficiary of their work -- develop that. Want to be a manger? Look at your boss. Think how her actions influence you. It’ll be very useful when you at last become a manager.
When you know your next favorite position (and now you know it, right?), place your teachers (those who fulfill role you want to have) and learn from them. Assess them -- who execute well and who’s contradictory. Retain information you can learn from both.
If it just so happens your boss is your guru here you’re lucky. I have to make a clean breast I was and I still am very fortunate with my bosses. Most of them were guys I learnt a lot from. Oh, I think I learnt a lot from all of them, but some of them were rather counterexamples to what I wanted to be.