Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Putting A Positive Spin On Workplace Evaluations

Have you ever concerned about your yearly evaluations? Do you know you do a good job a work, but your brain keeps rotating with all the things your manager said you need to be get better?

You are not unaccompanied. In fact, if you were to ask just about anyone who has just been evaluated what he or she remember most, an truthful reply would be not the things that he or she is doing right. Quite, it is easiest to remember the supervisor's suggestions for improvement.

A good way to gauge whether you are sharpening on the unenthusiastic or remedial aspects of a message is to play the game, "Get Off Your Buts." When we are being evaluate, chances are we not as interested in the messages that come before the "but." Rather, we are interested in the messages coming after.

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