Thursday, May 01, 2008

Side Jobs - What Your Employer Will Never Tell You

The number of employees with side jobs is on the rise because people just can't make it on one paycheck. The only answer for many people is to run a business on the side or take a second, part time job. While many employers encourage employees to seek outside employment, others are worried that a second job will affect job performance. Some are even worried that an employee may take a position with a competitor or start up a competing business.

If you do take a second job, you should never allow it to interfere with your current work. Do not perform second job functions while on the clock at your first job. Never answer or make phone calls, answer emails or perform job duties. If an emergency happens, take personal time or vacation time from your primary position to take care of it. Try not to make this routine though.

You should even avoid networking for side jobs while you're on the clock. Granted, it can be tempting to speak up when an opportunity arises especially if you own your own business. Always try to down play your additional employment while clocked in. You can always go back later and talk about your other business.


Lara said...

All the employer must be transparent of the things which they used to implement to their employee. That would be better to have concerned to the work so that they also help the employer to make their company progress. You have to take good care of your worker.

Mercy said...

What I am afraid of if my employer will tell me that you will be fired. That was slap on face about the kind of line.

Hazel said...

Yeah, I was thing about too. But i do have a word that afraid to hear from my employer, the word. ."YOUR FIRED".

Buy property in Dubai said...

People need to learn more about it.I must say I will get more information about it